Thus is a blog about doing an overland journey, so I have tried to give a good idea throughout of what it is like to actually make the journey and the sort of scenery and terrain you encounter when you make a journey across what is sometimes stunning landscapes and mountain views.
We started out at Panajachel just before 7 am with a quick cold coffee and made it out ten minutes beforehand to wait for the shuttle bus we had booked to take us directly through to San Cristobal de las Casas in Mexico. After waiting for several minibuses to pass run by other companies, suddenly a sleek white minivan backed up and we were whisked away up the steep road ascending the precipitous cliffs above Panajachel.
We started out at Panajachel just before 7 am with a quick cold coffee and made it out ten minutes beforehand to wait for the shuttle bus we had booked to take us directly through to San Cristobal de las Casas in Mexico. After waiting for several minibuses to pass run by other companies, suddenly a sleek white minivan backed up and we were whisked away up the steep road ascending the precipitous cliffs above Panajachel.

This journey which cast $35 US each proved to be a super alternative to a complex and sometimes dangerous multiple connection in chicken buses and collectivos, possibly requiring a change at the Pan-American, another at Huehuetenango, a local taxi across the 4 km separating the Guatemalan and Mexican immigration posts, and possibly another one or two changes inside Mexico,

Until we got to the Pan- American where the road from San Pedro turns off we were the only people in the 12-seater bus, but then a group of 8 got on, all but two of which later got off again on the outskirts of Huehuetenango, the northern commercial centre an hour or so before the border.

The Pan-American runs through very high misty hill country at one point climbing to over 10,000 ft before descending into a steep narrow gorge shortly before the border than runs right down to a hot lowland plain in southern Mexico.

The Mexican border proved a quixotic affair. There was no commercial traffic and it seemed almost as if we were the only travelers crossing the border at the time we made the crossing, demonstrating how good it was to have a through connection. The Guatemalan minibus had been keeping cell phone contact with its partner bus coming from San Cristobal to the border so they arrived simultaneously at the Guatemalan border post. The matched minibus from the Mexican side and offloaded a full consignment of passengers into our bus while the remaining four of us piled into the Mexican one.

The road on the Mexican side firstly traversed a hot lowland plain but then again began to climb steeply into hill country that left the plain far below. By the time we reached San Cristobal, we were right up again at 2100 m (6825 ft) significantly higher then Panajachel.

We finally arrived about 3.15 pm. San Cristobal was one of the first places we have arrived at where we didn't have a confirmed internet reservation, so we had to drag our luggage about six blocks from the Zocalo on spec and very luckily arrived at the Ganesha Posada to find a room free for 2 nights just before about 20 people descended on the place hoping to find accommodation.
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